Japan was rich before the rise in its ageing population; China is not there yet. 日本在出现人口老龄化问题之前已经是个富国,而中国目前还不是富国。
Britain needs a strong economy to fund the National Health Service and an ageing population. 英国需要强劲的经济,来为国民卫生服务体系(NHS)和日益老龄化的人口提供资金。
These include an ageing population and a slowdown in the rate of productivity growth in emerging markets. 它们还包括人口老龄化以及新兴市场生产率增速放缓。
Optimists believe China still has several more years before the economic impact of an ageing population becomes apparent. 持乐观态度的人认为,老龄化明显影响经济在中国还需要好多年的时间。
Keeping the brain young could be of huge value in an ageing population. 在人口老龄化的今天,保持大脑活性将拥有巨大的价值。
But with a rapidly ageing population this might change for those with means. 但随着人口老龄化加剧,此举可能会改变有经济实力老年人的退休生活模式。
Then there is the burden of an ageing population on a younger workforce. 其二是老龄化人口对青壮年劳动力造成的负担。
Besides its fiscal problems, Japan has an ageing population that will be a draw on the public purse. 除了财政问题,日本还面临人口老龄化问题,这也将加重财政资金的负荷。
But with the development of population, China is facing disparities between an ageing population and population distribution. 但是随着人口的发展,中国正面临着人口老龄化与人口分布之间的差异。
But Japan's household savings rate has collapsed due to an ageing population which no longer saves. 然而,由于人口老龄化,而老年人不再储蓄,日本家庭储蓄率已大幅下降。
But the outlook is complicated by a rapidly ageing population and costs of heavy damage to the environment. 但迅速老龄化的人口和环境严重破坏的代价,使得前景变得复杂。
It was one of the few countries in the world, perhaps the only one, that had a pension system that could meet the needs of its ageing population. 冰岛是世界上少有的几个拥有能满足老年人口需要的养老金体系的国家之一,或许是唯一的一个。
With China's rapidly ageing population, the number is rising quickly. 随着中国老龄人口的快速增加,痴呆病人的人数也在迅速增高。
With its rapidly ageing population and falling fertility rate, China is facing a pensions crisis. 随着人口快速老龄化和出生率的下降,中国正面临一场养老金危机。
With an ageing population, the importance of looking after the health of the elderly is self-evident. 在人口不断老化的情况下,确保长者健康的重要性不在话下。
A rapidly ageing population in many countries is also a contributing factor. 许多国家人口迅速老龄化也是一个促进因素。
The increase of that ratio was considered to reflect the growing burden of the ageing population on the pensions system. 这一比率的增长反映了在退休金制度下,老龄人口带来的压力越来越大。
Also, due in part to the family planning policy, China suffers from an ageing population. 计划生育政策也是中国人口老龄化的部分原因。
Growth in spending associated with an ageing population will be the major factor fuelling the growth of federal spending. 与人口老龄化相关的支出增长,将是引发联邦支出增长的主要因素。
This comes on top of structural problems shared with most other developed economies, notably a rapidly ageing population that requires large-scale pension and health insurance reform and is burdening government coffers. 此外,台湾还面临着一些多数其它发达经济体共有的结构性问题,尤其是迅速老龄化的人口。人口老龄化迫使政府推行大规模的养老金和医疗保险改革,这一问题正在加重政府的财政负担。
He uses the example of how business needs to respond to the demographics of an ageing population. 他举了商学院需要怎样应对人口结构日益老龄化问题的例子。
The survey paints a bleak picture of an III and ageing population. 调查把病人和老年人说得很凄凉。
Conference on Ageing Population in the Context of Urbanization 在城市化背景下的老龄人口问题会议
He is overly sanguine only on the problems posed by China's ageing population. 萨勃拉曼尼亚的过分乐观仅表现在中国的老龄化问题上。
For a city with an ageing population, a baby boom should be good news. 对于一个人口日益老龄化的城市而言,出现婴儿潮应该是个好消息。
But some regions of Europe see an opportunity in catering for an ageing population. 但欧洲一些地区在“养老”中看到了机遇。
High-spending Europe is undergoing austerity; lower-spending countries are grappling with the costs of an ageing population. 高支出的欧洲正在实施紧缩;低支出的国家正在努力克服老龄化人口的成本。
China also faces an ageing population as a result of its birth-control policies. 由于推行计划生育政策,中国还面临着人口老龄化问题。
But the decline is almost wholly explained by a rapidly ageing population. 但这种下降几乎可完全归因于日本人口的快速老化。
Both Hong Kong and Singapore face the twin problems of low fertility and an ageing population and both rightly promote immigration and improved education in order to keep their economies competitive. 香港和新加坡都面临两个问题:较低的人口出生率和人口老龄化问题。而且,两者都正确地选择了鼓励移民和提高教育水平的政策,以保持经济竞争力。